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Typically, our clients have visited other specialists, therapists and even underwent surgery. Many of our clients come in hope more than in expectation. They’ve been to countless Doctors, physios, consultants, chiropractors and therapists. 


Our Recode Clinic can be a last throw of the dice based on a friend's recommendation. 


We pride ourselves on the results we get for our clients. There is no better feeling than seeing our clients leave, full of hope for a better life and moving freely!


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Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.


Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.


Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.


Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services. Help people become familiar with the business and its offerings, creating a sense of connection and trust.

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Our Approach

What is Recode?

Physical Side

Recode is a therapy encompassing mental, emotional and physical interventions. 
Our physical side originates from the theory of tensegrity within the fascial system. Through our microcurrent therapy we realign the posture by alleviating any blockages ie trigger points or old scar tissue formation. In doing so we rebalance and reorganise the tissue formation which in turn distributes forces and returns the posture to neutral. Neutral is where we no longer have an imbalance of muscle tendon and ligaments which comprises all the fascial system. Upon achieving this our skeletal structure also returns to a neutral alignment. 

Mental & Emotional

Our mental and emotional aspect of the program has been developed over years of working with clients and linking certain injuries to specific states, traumas or emotions linked to those. Cortisol is the biggest known damaging factor to the nervous system and fascial system. Through thought alone, our body enters a state of fight or flight which has an immediate knock on effect to our systems. (List in my book). Through the use of neuro linguistic programming we un ravel the negatives associations with the particular injury, pain or auto immune condition that has manifested in the body. In doing so we recode how we think, talk, perceive and project into our daily lives. 

Habits & Behaviours

This allows the client to realise their unconscious habits and by having a specific layout to follow with our personal development program we become a more conscious human being and change the habits traits and behaviours that we identify are limiting your body from self healing. 

Solving The Issue

Through the work of a variety of therapies including Chinese medicine and kinesiology we are able to look at your injury from an energy and frequency perspective. This involves areas of the body such as bladder, kidney, stomach spleen, lung, heart, small and large intestine and many more. Each organ store’s specific emotions that may be the factor to solve your injury.  

Ultimate Health

This may be very new to some people and throughout the program if this route needs to be taking with you we will explain all in detail. Through the above approaches this is why we can stand over our treatment methods and recode your body back to ultimate health.

It’s all about a dialogue

A few words from our clients. See client stories for more.

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